Re. Pynchon and babies
Vaska Andjelkovic
vaska at
Fri Oct 25 19:10:37 CDT 1996
>I was wondering if anyone could recommend any studies of
>race/gender representations within Pynchon to me. It'd be greatly
>I'm fairly certain I'm about to get flamed to death for this,
[1] Not by me, Matt. I remember Tom Adamowski, whom you probably know
given your U of T address, musing once in a conversation we had about
Pynchon how unrelievedly adulatory Pynchon criticism was. And, most of it
*has* been hagiography in a lit-crit mode. I've always found something
troublesome about Pynchon's treatment -- and the use he makes of -- his
female characters. And after his intro to _Slow Learner_ I was disappointed
-- to put it mildly -- with some of the stuff in _Vineland_. The novel's
attribution of some sort of crypto-fascism or at least crypto-militarism to
a generalized (essentialized) female mind (I can't find the exact page
reference right now) is one of the things about the novel that continue to
bother me.
[2] I haven't kept up with the Pynchon lit-crit industry and don't know of
any full-length studies about P's treatment of race and gender. But the
lack of any critical engagement with these issues on the part of the
lit-crit community interested in Pynchon's work was notorious up until only
a few years ago. Perhaps things have changed in the meanwhile.
You might want to have a look at a couple of articles that have appeared in
_Postmodern Culture_, though. They are online and can be found at
vaska at
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