pynchon's misogyny

Kyburz at Kyburz at
Mon Oct 28 10:38:01 CST 1996

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Thomas N. Dennis wrote:

> Paul wondered:
> > 
> > Why would Stencil's fictional (paranoid, etc.) construction of (Mother)
> V.
> > cash out as Thomas Pynchon's misogyny?
> >
I'm not so sure that it's *Pynchon's* misogyny you're responding to.  I 
have always maintained that V. A NOVEL deals with misogyny, patriarchy, 
and power--across the centuries, that PYnchon reveals something of a plot 
to suppress information on the Goddess and cultures that worshipped her.  
There's apaper on the matter imbedded in Tim Ware's web page.  Also, one 
link to that paper on my page at  It's called "She 
Lives in a Time of Her Own" (yes, based upon the Erikson song).

my plug for the day.  ugh.

Bonnie L. Kyburz, Instructor
Department of English			(602) 965-7756 (office)
Arizona State University		kyburz at
Tempe, AZ  85287-0302			*or* surfus at

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