The horrors of the internet

Thomas N. Dennis tdennis at
Tue Oct 29 09:19:42 CST 1996

> Screen fills with garbage characters morphing into a web browser
> downloading mail, an innocent lad's face lighted only by the eerie CRT
> glow, his eyes fixed on the scrolling lines as if seeking relief from
> the flickering image of an English teacher standing in the shadows, a 
> hint of
> something shiny and sharp in her hand. Thank God for spell check. An old
> literary werewolf with fangs and claws. The moon is full tonight ...
>   Blood-chilling laughter, followed by loud snorting and panting as if
> sniffing the air to locate victim, then steely claws scratching at the
> window with a squeal worse than a 10-penny silver nail on a polished
> marble crypt. Even a man who is pure of heart, should take heed
> when the Wolfbane blooms in the full moon light...

	"The creatures of the night! What music...!!"

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