Homer Lost in Timespace
Ben Greenberg
ben.greenberg at hwy1.com
Tue Oct 29 17:49:31 CST 1996
delurking for a moment....
We must remember the episode where Bart saves Burns' life and Hom=
er =
sends that sarcastic letter recognizing Burns' non-gratitude. An=
yway, =
at the end of the episode Marge is searching for a moral to the s=
tory =
and running through the usual litany of clich=E9s, when Lisa says=
"But maybe there is no moral"
and Homer sums up
"Yeah, it's just a bunch of stuff that happened".
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Subject: Homer Lost in Timespace
Author: LARSSON at VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU at Internet
Date: 10/29/96 5:11 PM
Andrew Walser comments:
"What if we considered the whole thing a version of the allegory of the =
cave in Plato's REPUBLIC? Homer the philosopher ascends from the =
dimness of two-dimensionality to discover new objects of love . . .
Instead of eternal truths, of course, he finds angel-food breasts and =
pudendal brownies -- but who wants to turn a Simpson into a Socrates?"
The whole thing is summed up in Homer's immortal phrase: =
"Mmmmm. Erotic cakes!"
But actually, we'd be advised to recall Homer's regret at being in warp o=
f =
spacetime locus: "If only I'd read that book by that wheelchair guy!"
Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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