Hallo all

Gardener Cady cadyg at elwha.evergreen.edu
Thu Oct 31 02:19:02 CST 1996

Only a fine line between Pyncon and The Monkeys.


On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Steven Maas (CUTR) wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, heywally wrote:
> > >From what I've read in the last two days, this certainly sounds like a
> > lively group. I look forward to some fine reading and repartee. The only
> > thing that comes close in my mind is the Monkees list.
> Hmmm. So are we talking about some sort of Cultural Armageddon where
> Pynchon and the Monkees fight it out for top spot?  Interesting scenario
> that frankly had never occured to me before. 

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