Heidegger, Nixon, Husserl, Corey (was Re: What?)
plachazu at ccnet.com
Wed Sep 4 23:04:33 CDT 1996
>On Wed, 4 Sep 1996 hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu wrote:
>> Perhaps we are witnessing Nixon opening to Dasein, which to Heidegger is a
>> question of opening to the question, question of questioning the ontology
>> of Western metaphysics, which he himself quit doing in the 30s, when
>> offering himself to the service of a certain, most ontological, Spirit.
>> But probably we are not witnessing Nixon carrying out anything like that.
>> Heikki
>Though the Heideggerian question isn't "What" (the Platonic ti to on) but
>rather the more Husserlian "How" -- not "what is being" (enquiring after
>essence or after the 'beingness' (Seiendheit) of being) but how being
>comes to presence, how it presences (within the
>horizon opened up by the 'there' of 'there-being' (Da-sein)). Whether
>Heid. 'quits asking' this question is contentious to say the least
>(though something called "German Dasein" does, for a time, get tangled up
>in the question).
>Paul Murphy
Whether you're all being sentimental surrealists, derri-dadaists, or just
phenomenal p-list poseurs (Oh! It has to be aLITerative!), I think you've
outdone Prof. Irwin Corey himself. Zounds, I'm impressed. -jm
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