Perec Biography

Brett Porter bporter at
Fri Sep 6 13:33:20 CDT 1996

At 06:31 PM 06-09-96 +0100, you wrote:
>> Didn't someone mention before about there being a Perec bio?
>There is David Bellos's brilliant bio.; highly recommended.
>Here are the details (no ISBN, sorry):
> Author:         Bellos, David
> Title:          Georges Perec: a life in words/ David Bellos
>                 London: Harvill, 1993
>                 xxx,802p,[32]p of plates; 25cm
> Notes:          Contains indexes
>                 Includes bibliographical references
> Subjects:       Perec, Georges, 1936-1982--Biography
>                 Authors, French--20th century--Biog
>---- Dave
Cool. Does anyone know anything about the group of writers called "oulipo"
(spelling?) that Perec belonged to? Who else was involved? I remember
reading an article in 87-88 about them; that's what made me go buy "Life: A
User's Manual". If I remember correctly, Oulipo was a French acronym which
translates in English to something about "All Possible Literatures".


// Brett g Porter		voice = 908.739.5600 x131
// MUSICAM USA			fax   = 908.888.7909
// 670 N Beers St, Bldg #4 	bgporter at
// Holmdel, NJ 07733 		bgporter at

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