GRGR(0): published editions, covers

ckaratnytsky at ckaratnytsky at
Fri Sep 6 15:24:39 CDT 1996

     I have the Viking Penguin paperback, published 1987.  Background is 
     orange and yellow (which is either the bright, glowing sun that veg 
     mentioned, or an exploding rocket flash, depending on the mood I'm 
     in), over a delicately-drawn London cityscape, in black, which runs 
     along the bottom of the entire book.  Front cover, in blue block 
     letters:  GRAVITY'S RAINBOW.  Underneath, in white, smaller letters:  
     THOMAS PYNCHON.  Underneath, in white, even smaller letters:  Author 
     of V. and The Crying of Lot 49.  Back cover, in white:  "A screaming 
     comes across the sky..."  Love that.
     (A-and:  Love this.  Thanks, Andrew.)

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