Heidegger, Nixon, Husserl, Corey (was Re: What?)

Craig Clark CLARK at superbowl.und.ac.za
Sun Sep 8 08:06:26 CDT 1996

Christine opines:

>      A familiar tone taunts, (cyber)sonorously, from out of the ether:
>      >Who sez we can't? Huh? Huh?
>      hg is back!  hg is back!  Yippee!
>      (Now, where's that Steely?  Here, boy...  Heeeere, Steely...)

I for one that HAG has returned to our ranks... Let us all pause for 
a moment and consider that he has recently relocated himself to the
heart of Mangosutho Buthelezi territory (I'm fairly close by, but 
fortunately in an area which is predominantly ANC aligned).

Let us hope that HAG's spirited insistenceon his right to hold his 
own opinions doesn't attract the attention of Buthelezi's Big 

Craig Clark

"Living inside the system is like driving across
the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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