Another Pynchon allusion on American TV?

Ted Samsel tejas at
Sun Sep 8 16:51:18 CDT 1996

PennyP sez:
> Hi all,
> In addition to the numerous mentions of TRP on _The John
> Larroquette Show_, we have now the following (from "Will
> big names translate into big success?" in the TV Click
> section of the Portland _Oregonian_, Sept. 8, 1996, p. 8):
>   _Pearl_  Rhea Pearlman plays widow Pearl Caraldo, who
>   goes back to college -- only to find herself grappling
>   with an arrogant humanities professor, Stephen Pynchon
>   (Malcolm McDowell).  He wanted to call his class "I Know
>   More Than You Do."  The Pearlman-McDowell matchup is
>   a natural.  With Carol Kane thrown in as the sister-in-law,
>   CBS could be looking at a hit.

CHEERS at the Korova Milk Bar.... the mind reels.

Ted Samsel....tejas at  "Took all the money I had in the bank,
                               Bought a rebuilt carburetor, 
                               put the rest in the tank."
                                USED CARLOTTA.. 1995

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