Asians in Pynchon ( was Re: Japanese in Vineland redu

matthew.percy at matthew.percy at
Tue Sep 17 13:46:57 CDT 1996

Perhaps the best reworking of American stereotypes of Japanese culture in 
VL is Pynchon's rewriting/digs of/at the Star Wars trilogy, probably one 
of the more grotesque instances of Orientalism I can think of.  I mean 
really, what was Star Wars other than a neutered Californian  
version of Kurosawa's film, and a bastardized new age version of Eastern 
philosophies (i.e. think about the force in terms of ch'i).  Yoda as 
caricature of zen philosopher, Imperial archietecture reflecting 
stereotypes of Japanese othereness... I could go on, but I'm sure you get 
the point.
I still have problems with the stereotypes of Takeshi, tho'.  It seems to 
80s xenophobia for me.

Just like popping womp rats in my land speeder,

Matthew "Salacious Crumb" Percy 

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