On Preterition

LBernier at tribune.com LBernier at tribune.com
Thu Sep 19 14:56:25 CDT 1996

     Heikki sez:

     My hypothesis:  nowadays it is the fitness of your body that passes 
     for the Sign to Americans. It is *the lack of something* - fat - that 
     makes you one of the Elect. One can notice here the relatively strict 
     division between fit people and those who have given up. 
Still a sign of prosperity, though, because it means  (pick all that apply)
        1) you can afford the personal trainer/health club rates
        2) you can afford the plastic surgeon
        3) you can afford the right kinds of foods
        4) you can afford to be on one of those "Jenny Craig" type diet     

There's also a subtle hint of eugenics - fat and dumpy = poor and trashy, 
whereas thin and trim = well-bred and prim.


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