No subject

Timothy Duff timd at
Fri Sep 20 10:07:55 CDT 1996

To the GRGR foax:  I picked up GR in '83-'84, on a high school assignment 
to report on any 'great modern writer.'  I also had to read what the 
critics were saying, and one particular opinion bugged me.  I can't 
remember the critic's name, someone writing for Harpers, The New Yorker, 
or some other such rag, but they characterized GR as "all the thoughts 
running through a man's head between the impact of a rocket and the sound 
of it's arrival."  You bet.  Is this a commonly held view?  Has anyone 
else read this opinion elsewhere?  Set me straight...

Tim Duff
timd at
bm795 at

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