GRGR: Of Pirate's Mail

Sun Sep 22 13:37:38 CDT 1996

Adam asserts, of "incoming mail":

It's from Them.  Who They?  Why, the Rocket-Cartel.  Who They?  The World.
Who They?  Well, Skippy, an answer is more than you deserve.

Maybe in a larger sense--and it certainly does relate, as you suggest, to
the "message" of 0000 (and/or 0001), but in this case it is apparently a
note from Katje, since Pirate is her contact.  See pp. 106-107 (Picador/Viking).

But, of course, it *was* They who knew what would turn Pirate on and allow
him to decode that message!

One more note--see how Pirate's fantasies cross-reference with Kipling:
"beastly fuzzie-wuzzies" and the George Stevens' film based on the poem
"Gunga Din."

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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