GRGR1: Pirate as Priest

Spangenthal, Robert E. spangere at
Tue Sep 24 08:24:00 CDT 1996

>I think I've mentioned this before but I always think of Pirate's banana   

>breakfast as a parallel to the Christian Mass, Pirate as priest,
>Christ-like at least in this guise.  Bananas I think most here would
>affirm are symbols of good-good stuff.  Pirate, also, for the most part
>he seems quite like one of the good guys.

>Richard Romeo

When Pynchon introduces Pirate, he mentions that "his skull feels made of   
That evoked for me an image of the Bad Priest in V. I may be crazy, but   
reference reminds me of Eigenvalue's set of metallic teeth.

I don't know if that's the priest that Richard was thinking of. However,   
Pirate's existing
through other people's fantasies is consistent with V.'s tendency towards   
the inanimate,
both representing dehumanization.

By the way, my engineering friends tell me that an Eigenvalue is a value
representing a simple solution to a complex problem. Is this so? A-and if   
what does Eigenvalue represent?

Bob Spangenthal
spangere at

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