GRGR(1): Some ideas

Noah Sturr sturr at
Tue Sep 24 20:43:29 CDT 1996

> Page 13 para 2
> Anyone have an idea who Eugene Sue was?
(Second post this year! Man, I'm on a roll...)

Eugene Sue was a name I ran across four years ago as I read Eco's
"Foucault's Pendulum".  Sue wrote a book called _The Wandering Jew_.
(Quoting Webster's New World): born Marie Joseph Sue 1804-57; Fr.
novelist.  The Wandering Jew, for those who don't know the Christian
folklore, is a Jew condemned to wander the Earth until the second
coming of Christ.  Some stories have him being the Roman who stabbed
Jesus on Golgotha that fateful day.  Others merely a scornful person
on that day.  In reference to the GR reference (guessing here!) I
would assume that _The Wandering Jew_ and/or other stories by Sue
are fairly woeful or a bit over the edge and hence "a Eugene Sue

| Noah Sturr     | "Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way |
| sturr at  |  or another."  - Dr. Who                          |

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