Barth and GR

Grant White ulgw at
Wed Sep 25 04:45:17 CDT 1996

Oh no not Barth Bashing, that happens to be my thesis topic your 
insultin' there:)

On the other hand, just where does TRP touch you?

He got me, variously, in the head, the heart and the libido. (at least 
there the places that immediately spring to mind.) Oh yeah and the 

Anyone out there have a particular pynchrogenous zone?
-                                                                       -
Grant White                        |
Multi-media & Special Collections  |
Librarian                          | Internet:ulgw at 
The Central Coast Campus           |
Information Resource Centre        | Ph  (intl+61+43) 484026
University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA | Fax (intl+61+43) 484215

On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, Tresy Kilbourne wrote:

> >"I admired GR as an astonishing performance, but the novel did not touch 
> >my heart."  --John Barth
> John Barth HAS a heart? Who would have guessed?
> _________
> Tresy Kilbourne, Seattle WA
> "Every man holds his property subject to the general right of the 
> community to regulate its use to whatever degree the public welfare might 
> require."   --Teddy Roosevelt

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