scramble or scumble?

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Thu Sep 26 03:18:37 CDT 1996

Craig Clark writes:

Re page 5 last para

> I confess not to having a copy of GR at hand, but isn't it 
> "scumbled"? I remember being struck by the word on all my previous 
> readings. Apparently it's an archaic word for shit.

Yes, it is `scumbled' which in tandem with `impasto' I found perfectly
suggestive even though I had never seen the word before. I looked it
up in my Concise OED at home and failed to find it. But my OED did
include pixilated - don't know what happened to Don's.

N.B. pix*i*lated probably ought not to be confused with pix*e*l.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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