GRGR Goes Bananas

Chris Carne C.J.Carne at
Thu Sep 26 11:20:27 CDT 1996

A coupla prosaic comments:

One of the significant things about bananas was that they were not
available during the war in Britain.

So we may see Prentice's banana plantation as a counterforce against
the banana cartel - prefiguring his later rebellion against the rocket

No one, I think has mentioned the well known popular song of the era, of
which I can only recall the first two lines.

'Let's all go down The Strand,
(Have a bana-na)'

Unfortunately the tune don't really fit Pynchons verse. 



* Chris Carne                 Remember I am here O not else                 * 
* CALS                        Where in this quick disguise, this very       *
* University of Reading       Thought that's yours for a moment. I sit      * 
*                             Here behind this tempered mesh.               *
*                                W. S. Graham -Clusters Travelling Out      *
* c.j.carne at                                                   *

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