TP supposedly to sign M&D copies tonite -- NYC
Cathy Melnicki
cathy_melnicki at
Tue Apr 1 10:04:23 CST 1997
Don't fall prey to a silly April Fool's joke...this is completely
(I work at Henry Holt).
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Subject: TP supposedly to sign M&D copies tonite -- NYC
Author: dcmills at at Internet
Date: 4/1/97 10:48 AM
Hi all,
I'm new to the list, but a long time fan of Pynchon's work.
I found this notice on a NYC website and thought listers in the NYC
area might be interested:
One Word: Pynchon
With the publication of Thomas Pynchon's
award-winning first novel V., he had the literary
world waiting with bated breath for its follow-up --
and Gravity's Rainbow delivered, winning about every
award worth mentioning whose judges didn't find the
book "turgid," "overwritten," "unreadable" and
"obscene." But more than the abstruseness of his
novels, the mystery of the reclusive Pynchon's
personal life has piqued readers' interests.
Especially when, in anticipation of this spring's
release of his fourth novel, Mason and Dixon, it was
revealed that Pynchon lives here in New York on the
Upper West Side. Get your copy of Mason and Dixon
early tonight -- Pynchon will be appearing at Gryphon
Books signing advance copies.
- N. Flanders
(Gryphon Bookshop, 2246 Broadway at 80th,
212.362.0706; 6pm, FREE )
It appears to be genuine. Here's the URL for where I found the
Dave Mills
dcmills at
Los Angeles, CA
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