P-List expertise needed

Steven Maas (CUTR) maas at cutr.eng.usf.edu
Tue Apr 1 11:17:01 CST 1997

On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, RedBug wrote:
> I'd like to solicit your input as to what you tell people whom
> you've finally convinced to read Pynchon (particularly GR) as a sort of
> caveat, or what helpful advice you'd give to all these new people who will
> be considering reading M&D and how you'd allay their preconception of TRP's
> work as "difficult." 

I won't claim expertise, but here goes nevertheless. . .

I tell Pynchon newbies:
1) It's the most fun you can have without risking arrest in many states.
2) Leave your preconceptions at the door and enjoy your new and exotic
3) Stay away from the LitCrit (at least until after your first read).
4) If something baffles you, read on for the next moment of searingly
bright light and don't worry about it.  With time and re-readings
everything (well, many things) will be made clear.
5) Difficult, schmifficult.
6) If GR interests you but scares you away, try VL first.

	Steve Maas

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