Rockets,boys and sentimental journeys

Scott Chesnick chesnics at
Wed Apr 2 06:47:02 CST 1997

  The young wanderlust for pyrotechnics must be genetically programmed.
Something about hormones raging in a vast sea of pre-erupting puberty in
males. It is endlessly repeating pattern , of technology and destruction
that is hard wired in behavior - like a moth to a flame .What the chemical
language of phosphate groups , loose electrical charges Vs the more severe
ionic bond and what the grammar and linguistic rules are .Who knows . All
the well worn neurological paths recently being expressed and remembered by
members of the PYNCHON list (i.e. favorite toys and thing that blew up).
What is the archetypal mental form for explosions (stimulus and response ,
minus only a few fingers, and if you are lucky just singe ,sear scorch and
char the hair off your palms.)
  My 11 year old (who also reads this list) gathers and publishes enough
methods for anarchy on the internet I half expect the Alcohol-Tobacco and
Firearms agents to pay me a visit soon. He recently tried calling a chemical
supply house trying to buy about 20 Kilograms of Plutonium with my
MasterCard.   (We don't accept calls from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

He also has his own explosives and techniques page on the
" JIHAD to Destroy Barney"   on the WWW  ( AKA Purple Dinosaur)

Scott Chesnick

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