Introduction and M & D Home page

Fauzia Burke fburke at
Thu Apr 3 13:53:49 CST 1997

Hello Pynchon fans,
I'd like to introduce myself. I am an Internet publicist, and 
have the tremendous honor of promoting Mason & Dixon on the 
Net. If you have any ideas or comments for promotion, please 
email them to me privately.  

Here are a few announcements:
- The M&D Home Page that some of you accessed was a test site. 
The information on it was not final. I will post an 
announcement when the final site is ready, probably by next 
week. (BTW, I do appreciate the compliments.)
- This Home Page will contain "Official" information on 
Mason & Dixon directly from the publisher Henry Holt and Co.

- No, Thomas Pynchon will not be signing copies of his book 
anywhere.  There will be readings and events in bookstores 
around the country and they will be posted on the site.

- I know that some of you have read the "draft" of the press 
release. The final press release will be available on 4/14/97.
- Advance reading copies of the book went to the media, so 
early reviews could show up soon. Look for them.

- There will also be some online features at and 
Barnes & Noble Online. I'll keep you posted on those.

Thanks for you time,

FSB Associates
Internet Marketing Solutions for the Publishing Industry

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