Poetics, Disembodied

fuhrel at ccrouter.ccsn.nevada.edu fuhrel at ccrouter.ccsn.nevada.edu
Mon Apr 7 16:39:16 CDT 1997

     One additional note.  While I was teaching at Hawaii Community 
     College, we wrote inviting Allen to come to read in Hilo, figuring 
     he'd really get a charge out of chanting at Kilauea, the home of the 
     volcano goddess Pele.  His secretary wrote to say Allen needed five 
     grand and six months' notice, neither of which we had.  But the note 
     was on a great postcard, a well-known nude photo of Allen and Peter, 
     hands crossed across their crotches.  All of us who read Howl in the 
     fifties will miss the guy for sure.
     Bob Fuhrel

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Subject: Re: Poetics, Disembodied
Author:   BICKMAN MARTIN <bickman at Colorado.EDU> at SMTP-CCSN
Date:    4/7/97 10:32 AM

Just to add to Don Larsson's tribute, I want to say how peaceful and 
gentle a man Allen was--while Tom Hayden et. al. set up the demonstrators 
in Chicago to get their heads cracked in the service of the cause, 
Ginsberg went out to try to pacify the situation, and discourage violent 
confrontation.  He was already ready to come into my classroom gratis to 
talk lovingly and insightfully about favortie influences, such as Hart 
Crane, WCW, Whitman.  May he rest as he lived, in peace.
Marty Bickman
On Mon, 7 Apr 1997 LARSSON at VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU wrote:
> Just a note to mark the passing of Allen Ginsburg, one of TRP's admitted 
> inspirations (along with Kerouac, et al.).
> A very Sixties moment--sitting in an auditorium at the feet of the Bard, 
> all hair and robe and sandals and beads, leading everyone in a chant
> to Siva on his harmonium.
> The next time I saw him up close was at an academic lit. meeting where he 
> had a neatly trimmed beard, a three-piece suit and looked (but didn't
> talk) like a professor of economics. 
> Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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