Case Closed and Paranoia

Tue Apr 8 08:47:23 CDT 1997

Richard Romeo asked:

  > Just curious.  Has anyone else read _Case Closed_ by Gerald Posner?  The 
  > refutation of many conspiracy theories and pundits (Garrison, Lifton, 
  > Lane, et. al) in the murder of JFK and his claim that Oswald did it 
  > alone.  Have to admit his arguments are pretty compelling.  What can we 
  > say about something we all share in some way, here, when folks like Jim 
  > Garrison get into the act?  Is there "good paranoia" and "bad paranoia"?  
  > Or if you like:  what is the state of paranoia in this country now that 
  > it's such a hot item:  X-files and spinoffs, hollywood celebrities 
  > studying the Kabbalah, Timothy McVeigh-types, e.g.  And what could They 
  > possibly gain by exploiting those who began their fights, fighting Them?  

Perhaps They are having a good old chuckle over the fact that 70% of 
Americans (so I've heard it said) believe that the US government is 
collaborating with the Greys, allowing the Greys to abduct humans for 
"biogenetic experiments" in exchange for stealth technology... While 
very few Americans indeed believe that transnational capitalism is 
eating away at their liberty by inducing a mind-numbingly conformist 
consumer mentality. "If They can get you asking the wrong questions, 
They don't have to worry about the answers."

Craig Clark
- Ex-King Herod

"Living inside the system is like driving across
 the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
 on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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