
Bruce Appelbaum Bruce_Appelbaum at chemsystems.com
Thu Apr 10 10:12:24 CDT 1997

     Reminds me of a visit to Ecuador a few years ago.  While working in 
     Quito, one weekend we decided to visit the equator.  There's a huge 
     monument built I think by the French, but unfortunately located a 
     couple of hundred meters south of the actual equator.  There is a 
     smaller monument at the actual site (oops).

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Subject: RE: Longitude
Author:  Paul Mackin <mackin at allware.com> at Internet
Date:    4/10/97 9:14 AM

From:   RICHARD ROMEO[SMTP:RR.TFCNY at mail.fdncenter.org]
Paul wrote:  Hey, how come They got Us reading a book about longitude 
when the M&D Line is a latitude????
Actually, the beginning of the line is southeast of the what we would 
call the latitude line because the colonial surveyors mistakenly put the 
starting point 20 miles or so south of where it should have been. 
Technically, this is partly longitude.
>>>>>Thanks, Richard. On my map the dividing line between PA and MD looks so 
STRAIGHT (greatly circular).

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