NP Re: The life in Fidel, and Cuba
davemarc at
Fri Apr 11 11:37:09 CDT 1997
> From: David Casseres <casseres at>
> So, you believe everything the U.S. government and media, plus Miami
> Cubans have been pounding into your head all these decades?
No, I don't. But I don't ignore it completely either. I'm particularly
interested in the opinions of refugees, including Cabrera Infante and
Fidel's daughter Alina, who risked their lives and placed associates in
jeopardy by escaping the Castro regime. And then there are the words of
the less fortunate ones, who were assassinated or otherwise silenced by
Castro & Company. Thanks for asking.
And by the way, I don't think the U.S. media have been as monolithic on
this issue as the above question suggests.
> Suckerrrrrrrr!!!!!
This from someone who believes 100% that Castro isn't a dictator, "a person
exercising absolute power, esp. one who assumes absolute control without
the free consent of the people." (Random House)
> To see what a colossal lie the anti-Castro line is, it's only necessary
> to compare Communist Cuba to pre-Communist Cuba and to all the
> anti-Communist regimes the U.S. has been propping up in Latin America all
> this century.
Well, I see that Batista was a reformer as president from 1940-44, and then
one helluva rotten leader from 1952-59, when Castro spearheaded the
rebellion that threw him out on his sorry ass. As I already acknowledged,
Castro has also introduced reforms, but during his approximately 40 years
as dictator he's also been at least as much of a tyrant. I wish he'd done
better, but he hasn't.
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