The Consummate Manager

Bruce Appelbaum Bruce_Appelbaum at
Tue Apr 15 05:31:28 CDT 1997

     Possibly the derivation of the word "slob"

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Subject: Re: The Consummate Manager
Author:  "davemarc" <davemarc at> at Internet
Date:    4/15/97 10:07 AM

> From: stencil <stencil at>
> - Richard M(ilhous) Zhlubb - does his name have a meaning in any
> slavic/semitic/turkic language?  And/or does it relate to Glubb Pasha 
> or the producer Golub?
zhlub n (also schlub or shlub or shlubbo or zhlob or zshlub)  A coarse 
person; a boorish man; = JERK, SLOB:  the presence of fine wines and the 
absence of shlubs--Philadelphia/ replied Angela as she glided off to cut 
the poor schlub out of her will--Newsweek/ Lieberman was the worst. 
Lieberman was a real zshlub--Joseph Heller [fr Yiddish fr Slavic, "coarse 
>From *American Slang* by Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D. (A doctor, yet!)
meshugana davemarc

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