East India Company

rob haley rhaley at igc.apc.org
Fri Apr 18 22:20:51 CDT 1997

> Having had the words "East India Company" whispered to me by a passing stranger
> dressed in black, here are some interesting factoids forwarded by my buddy who usually
> sends me those swell jokes.  Check out the origins of Yale U. and the good ol' Stars 'n'
> Strips. A-and that Mayflower!
>  Hmmmmm . . . 

A similar stranger, though dressed more in earthtones than in black, uttered, 
"Read *Longitude*, by Dava Sobel" ......

It's a short book. I think I can knock it off this weekend. Anyone read it?

Recently Arrived here at this list,

Rob Haley

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