KGB, not just covert security ops

ckaratnytsky at ckaratnytsky at
Wed Apr 23 15:59:19 CDT 1997

     Noam Chomsky and Christine Karatnytsky cordially invite you to attend 
     a second gathering of the New York Pynchon List.  Yes, indeedy, it's 
     the "Open-Mike Thomas Pynchon Imitator Contest" (wha?!) being hosted 
     by Melvin Bukiet at KGB -- The Kraine Gallery Bar -- on Sunday April 
     27th at 7pm.
     Here are the specs, courtesy of Catherine P.:
     Contestants participating must show up at 6:45 pm, Sunday April 27th 
     to read 5-10 minutes worth of original unpublished work that is 
     'Pynchonian in nature.'  (No one may read Pynchon's work)  The event 
     begins at 7:00 pm and it's free. The winner will be chosen by audience 
     acclimation. Prize TBA.
     KGB (The Kraine Gallery Bar)  is at 85 East Fourth Street, second 
     floor, between Second and Third Avenue, in the East Village, 

     RSVP to yours truly, the Pearl Mesta of the P-list.  (A-and, I'll eat 
     my hat if that phony good-for-nothing, Mittelwerk, shows up.)

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