
davemarc davemarc at
Wed Apr 23 23:59:42 CDT 1997

Two cents:

I've always understood that private email is private--it is a matter of
Netiquette (not law) that one obtain permission before quoting private
email.  Public postings are public--Netiquette doesn't "require" that one
ask for permission before quoting.  Etiquette, on the other hand, suggests
that if one has the slightest doubt that a quotee might have a problem,
then one should obtain permission from said quotee.  People who wish to
retain some form of control of their work might wish to include a copyright
statement in an email signature.  People who consider all exchanges
"background" might do well to state as much in an email signature, too.

Now that Murthy's using a "welcome mat" for the P-list, we may want to
consider an additional advisory along the lines of:  "Participants should
be aware that all postings will be included in the publicly accessible
Pynchon Archive."  That way no one will be surprised after being fired for
not liking Vineland.  And maybe something simple about private email &
public posting issues could be included, too.  That might clear up other
chronic misunderstandings.

I'm really not trying to create a long list of rules here, by the way.  I'm
just noticing a few areas where participants have been confused and
worse....Anyone else have two cents to toss on the table?


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