
Alan Westrope awestrop at
Thu Apr 24 08:06:23 CDT 1997

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, lrgh at (Linda Highland) wrote:

>Having been a member of this list a mere three months, I am not familiar
>with the original Jules Siegel episode.  Does anyone remember when about
>it all happened, so I could look it up in the archives?  The search
>"all" option is dreadfully slow....

Try Oct/Nov '96.  I archive a lot of list material -- AFTER filtering
out irrelevancies, flamewars, etc. by automated and manual methods.
I saved much of the GR group read, and the first Siegel post I have is
one in reference to Pynchon's use of lists in section 2, dated 10/09.

I don't have the stuff about the online interview with Chrissie, etc.,
but it probably started a week or two later.

And, in the spirit of Marvy's Mothers and Ebenezer Cooke:

There once were some foax on the p-list,
Amongst whom Jules SIEGEL was sleaziest.
Though LARSSON's a scholar,
LARSON just wants a dollar,
And pinching your thoughts makes it easiest.

Alan Westrope     PGP public key:
<awestrop at>
<awestrop at>
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