Lineland/Intellectual Property

Joe Varo vjvaro at
Thu Apr 24 19:25:00 CDT 1997

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Kim L. Serkes wrote:

> Anyone (at least on the list) may read whatever I post. My contributions
> are given freely, without expectation of any gain (but the hope that the
> reader might make a contribution in turn).
> However, let some bastard take my words and try to profit from them,
> there'll be Hell to pay.

Okay.  Let's say you write a book, or even several and there is a Serkes
oeuvre.  There is also some literary type somewhere who decides to write a
critical work on the works of Kim L. Serkes.  In this critical work some
of your words will be quoted.  The author of this book is going to make
some amount of money (profit) on the sales of his book; you will not.

In this instance, would this critic have hell to pay?  If not, then why


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