Enough Jules-bashing, Already
davemarc at panix.com
Sat Apr 26 09:57:00 CDT 1997
I imagine this will take care of itself in several days, but, with the hope
that it might take care of itself even sooner, I respectfully ask P-listers
to cut down on those Jules-bashing posts. I can't imagine that anything
more "needs" to be added, except maybe a few words acknowledging that
Jules, with all of his obvious flaws and perhaps not-so-obvious strengths,
is as much of a human being as the rest of us and not the Evil Plagiarizer
Making Big Bucks Off the P-list that many posts make him out to be. IMO
(and I understand I'm probably in a minority, here) he deserves at least a
little more respect than he's gotten in this almost entirely one-way flame
fest. Perhaps if the P-list posts he's reprinting weren't as petulant as
these more recent ones are, there wouldn't be so many attacks on him.
Furthermore, I am very disturbed by the caricatures of Chrissie that have
shown up intermittently here. What'd she ever do to you, except win the
affection of one of your favorite writers and one of your least favorite,
too? It was extremely nice and extremely courageous of her and Faera to
show up at the first PLNY meeting. I'm glad to repeat that we all
communicated in an entirely friendly way, and I imagine that not a single
P-lister would have dared to have belittled her in person as she has been
belittled occasionally online, where, as we all now realize, posts linger
for all the web to see. I wish I had a tape of the conversation that I
could play for all of you who were not in attendance, so that there'd be a
better understanding that she's not a character in an article or a novel
but a person, u.s.w.
Jimmy wrote: "My fear is that l'Affaire Lineland will mute some of the
best voices on the P-list." My hope is that it will raise the
thoughtfulness of the posts and extinguish a lot of the knee-jerk flaming,
and, as a result, encourage some of the best voices to be heard.
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