
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Mon Apr 28 10:46:00 CDT 1997

MantaRay at aol.com writes:

> A Wired reporter emailed me some questions re: Jules and I answered,
> sending a copy to the list.

I too was emailed. I told Ms Brown my comments were to be found in the
archive along with everyone else's. And of course she has my full
permission to use any of my postings, so long as she does not
misquote, misattribute or surround them with misleading content.

Hope none of you are going to try to stop her using your postings.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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