LBernier at LBernier at
Mon Apr 28 11:45:32 CDT 1997

What about when one of the personalities involved intentionally initiates said 
flame war to suit his own purposes?  My opinion of this whole issue is that 
Jules manipulated the situation to meet his own hidden agenda, so to call it 
free discourse is a misnomer.  It's a free economy, Jules can do whatever the 
hell he wants, but I have lost what little  respect I did have for him.  


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re:
Author:  andrew at at Internet_tco
Date:    4/28/97 10:33 AM

argus at writes:
> Andrew, I address you in specific because I respect your stance on 
> the free nature of internet discourse.  Do you also acknowledge the 
> integrity and reality of community and the distinct nature of the
> respect that has been amazing to encounter in this .net?  If you do, 
> I cant see how you approve of Jules' violation of it. 
As far as I am concerned the most important issue here is freedom to 
use the list (and more importantly to me the archive) postings. It 
makes no difference to me if Jules book is a criticial and/or 
biographical masterpiece or a brimming crock. The criteria I set out 
in my posting to John M suitably qualify such use, to my taste at 
least. If people could just forget the personalities involved and 
consider this as a general question of control over both the right to 
speak and the right to comment on such speech we would all get a lot 
further forward - especially as most people have i) seen nothing of 
the book and ii) have had little or no personal communication with 
Jules, Dale et al on which to base the vicious assessments of their 
> ps.  Grounds to get upset at me: myth of booj indiv consensus, misinterp 
> of Jules' project, over-reaction that could damage a fellow human, lack
> of real participation myself in P-L, romaticization of "community" etcetc. 
There's no need to get upset at all.
Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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