M&D review in today's SF Chronicle

Kim L. Serkes kls at newmediacenters.org
Mon Apr 28 11:56:54 CDT 1997

I shall be.

>Today's San Francisco Chronicle contains a review of M&D full of lukewarm
>"[M&D] is not quite the grand thesis on the world that Pynchon's fans have
>been hoping for, or dreaming about. It's a wayward, loopy, often wonderful
>work that strays about with a masterly abandon and an indifference to
>suspense that are both disarming and wearing. It's awash with light and
>charm, rich with suggestion and idea, stuffed with the minutiae of another
>time and world. It's also tough slogging, silly and sentimental and hard to
>recommend unequivocally to any but the most loyal of Pynchon's followers."
>Is anyone but me planning to be at the Booksmith on Wednesday evening?

Kim L. Serkes                      kls at newmediacenters.org
Program Assistant              fax 415-558-9275
New Media Centers             415-558-8866

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