Time Magazine Review -- May 5

Bruce Appelbaum Bruce_Appelbaum at chemsystems.com
Mon Apr 28 15:26:09 CDT 1997

     Current issue of Time has a positive review of M&D.  Classifies it as 
     a "tough book" (not currently in vogue) but says that those who don't 
     undertake the journey "will deprive themselves of a unique and 
     miraculous experience."
     As an extra bonus, a sidebar to the review includes the 1953 
     Cornell(?) photo and asks the rhetorical question "Where is He Now?
     In response, it provides the following:
     -  Living in Manhattan with wife, a literary agent, and son
     -  Not posing for photos
     -  Turning down invitations to have a drink with Norman Mailer,
        stating that "I only drink Ovaltine."

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