Total Book Control

davemarc davemarc at
Tue Apr 29 14:30:33 CDT 1997

Not absolutely sure, but I think Nin, Blake, and Wyndham Lewis might have
had total creative control & input at one point or another.  Maybe William
Morris?  Walt Whitman?  Nin's hubby, Hugo "Ian Hugo" Guiler?  Wanda
Tinasky?  Lawrence Ferlinghetti?  A-and maybe even Henry Miller, in books
like Insomnia, Or the Devil at Large and The Red Notebook.  Or his pen-pal
Irving Stettner.  A-and then there are all those books ("poetry"
especially) I haven't heard of, and "book art" I've seen but can't list,
except perhaps for stuff by flamethrowing feminists Exene Cervenka, Lydia
Lunch, and Laurie Anderson.  A-and then there's that one-man writing
machine Henry Darger. Not absolutely sure about any of this, but I am sure
other p-listers know better than I.

And a minor point:  Jules wrote "I not only wrote the text...."  I haven't
seen the final edition of Lineland, but my understanding is that Jules
didn't write the text.  He wrote most of it.  Maybe ten percent came from
other foax on the p-list and then there's the matter of an intro by Dale. 


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