[M&D] spoilers, more on chapter 1

Chris Sweet csweet at gte.net
Tue Apr 29 17:24:36 CDT 1997

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In my previous post I mentioned John Barth/the use of twins.
I forgot to mention a more obvious similarity to Barth, the
use of the frametale. While this literary device is not
uncommon it is certainly one that Barth returns to again and
again and has written about in his non-fiction.

Tenebrae - from the OED
from the latin, meaning darkness.
The name given to the office matins & lauds of the following
day, usually sung in the afternoon or evening of Wednesday,
Thursday, or Friday in Holy Week, at which the candles
lighted at the beginning of the service are extinguished
one by one after each psalm, in memory of the darkness at
the time of the crucifixion.

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