M&D availability overseas..

Joel Weierman joel at typhoon.co.jp
Tue Apr 29 18:43:16 CDT 1997

As one of the lurkers on this list, I haven't made too
many postings lately. Although recently I did think about
unsubscribing when I was getting 100+ messages a day.

Won't waste much time on the "L" thing, heck I didn't
even know anything was going on and I have been on the
list since last December..

Be that as it may, I am wondering when M&D is going to 
come out in the foreign book stores in Japan. My guess
is no one will bother shipping it over until it becomes 
a bestseller. Anyone have any suggestions? I guess I could
try ordering it from amazon.com?? Do they have it in stock?

-Joel Weierman
joel at typhoon.co.jp

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