Duplicated Message Hell

deedle at loop.com deedle at loop.com
Tue Apr 29 21:17:01 CDT 1997

HELP!!!!  Murthy?  Andrew?  Is anyone looking into this - it's getting
worse!  I received *209* messages today and most were doubles, triples or
quadruples.  Can someone enlighten us and/or fix the damn thing?  Thank

-- deedle deedle deedle deedle etc.

>No, Linda and Jimmy -- you're right!  I've been getting all sorts of
>duplicated posts!  It's driving me buggy!  I mean, i expected increased
>traffic from the list with the neverending and always entertaining Jules
>Saga and the release of THE book tomorrow, but this is crazy!  Heck, I love
>getting email, but 75 Pynchon-L posts in one day, many of them dupes!!???
>Gotta be something with the listproc!
>JJ "Jester"  (wondering how many times this post will double)

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