[M&D] - page 7

Peter Petto ppetto at apk.net
Wed Apr 30 05:09:55 CDT 1997

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made <traveler at afn.org>
wrote in response to my query:

>> PS - can anyone provide etymology for "Herodotic"?
>Doubtless a reference to Herodotus, the ancient Greek writer considered to
>be the first historian.  His writings were actually a mixture of fact and

I like the fact *and* fable part. Beside Herodotus, "Herodotic" evokes both
"heretic" and "dottie" in my mind.

Peter Petto         |       ppetto at apk.net
Bay Village, Ohio   |   PGP public key available

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