Poor spelling...

Meg Larson mgl at tardis.svsu.edu
Wed Apr 30 23:01:04 CDT 1997

> From: jester <jester at snet.net>
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject: Poor spelling...
> Date: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 10:57 PM
> Er... it's generally accepted that email sparks poor spelling.  I know, I
> misspell all the time ;-)  So damnit -- ease up on the corrections, heh
> Jules? You of all people can find more witty ways to belittle your
> Please don't stoop to the position of a bad high school grammar

>Must be some quirk relating to his title as "English language specialist"
or whatever the hell it says at the end of his posts . . .

However, he has more staying power than I--and apparently one Chrissy as
well--would've _ever_ given him credit for; in fact, hasn't he unsubbed

Just passing the time til my copy gets here, 
> ;-)   JJ "Jester" http://www.jesterweb.com

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