
Doug Millison millison at
Tue Aug 5 11:20:45 CDT 1997

Floor wax or dessert topping? It's both! Steven and Andrew illuminate two
powerful axes of M&D, I suspect:  lectricity (scientists can measure and
channel it) and the deeper Earth goddess force that Mason learns about in a
dream -- M&D plays in the space in-between those two extremes.


At 11:05 AM 8/5/97, Steven Maas (CUTR) wrote:
>I don't think it's so far-fetched as all that, considering the later
>importance in M&D of *Sha*, not to mention the lead plates buried by the
>Frenchman de Bienville that Dixon thinks may have "Electrickal Purpose"
>and wonders "Why may not these Plates collectively form a Tellurick
>Leyden-Pile?"  It seems quite possible that the "Tellurick Secrets"  that
>Rebekah says even Mopery could learn of could include these things.

D O U G  M I L L I S O N ||||||||||||| millison at
"The Metropolis strives to reach a mythical point where the
world is completely fabricated by man, so that it absolutely
coincides with his desires."--Rem Koolhaas

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