Enola Gay

David Dasinger bodkota at cyberramp.net
Wed Aug 6 02:42:16 CDT 1997

The Chaplain for the atomic bomb crew was Father George Zabelka.
He later wrote:

"Calvary, the place where Christ suffered and died at the hands
of the civil and religous politicians of his day, is the holiest shrine
in christianity. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are calveries. For here, Christ
in the bodies of the "least" was again tortured and put to death 
hundreds of thousands of times over by exactly the same dark and
deceitful spirit of organized lovelessness that roamed Jerusalem
two thousand years ago... Christ suffers and dies at Hiroshima and
I was the officially designated Catholic priest who by silence did
his priestly, patriotic duty and choose nationalism over Catholicism,
Ceaser over Christ..." 

> ever hear recorded sermon for Tibbet's crew before their momentous
> mission
> "bless these men.successful mission. come home safe
> in the name of Jesus Christ, we bless this bringer of dawn"
> chilling


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