more on fraud on the internet

Henry Musikar gravity at
Thu Aug 7 16:03:30 CDT 1997

On  7 Aug 97 at 14:10, Peter Giordano <Peter.Giordano at> 

> The best way (in my opinion) to understand Pynchon's work is to
> reject the fables and stories spread about him -When people make
> claims about an author one should question the source of the claims
> and unless those claims can be verified they should be rejected - 
> Pynchon's talent should (and does) speak for itself

Peter, did you start the whole "Vonnegut at MIT" hoax just in 
order to be able to run your shaggy dog story up the flabpole once 

Verification is meager, redundant information.There is more to wisdom 
than can be verified. My gang in high school used to say "If a tree 
falls in the forest, and only the gang was there to see it, did it 

Henry Musikar
Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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