MDMD(5) Chap 16----Questions, Angular

barleydog at barleydog at
Mon Aug 11 21:11:42 CDT 1997

Mark writes:
 Help me here, but I think Pynchon is talking about the cleansing action
of Rebekah's death on Mason's sense of purpose.

Yes, I'll second your take on this.  The passage has an emotional depth
that seemed to come more from Pynchon's heart, and (dare I read too much
into it?) from a life experience than from his literary intellect.  Or
perhaps it's better to say that in addition to his usual brilliance and
literary depth, there is also in this passage a longing so genuine that
it could only come from a lived experience, or at least a keen
understanding of the human condition.
	I guess I was taken by suprise by this passage, because I expect to be
challenged, "messed with,"  and entertained by M&D.  But I wasn't
prepared to be moved and shaken.

					David Braden

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