Selling books (was: Denis Johnson)

Steven Maas (CUTR) maas at
Tue Aug 12 10:22:48 CDT 1997

The article *is* disturbing.

I think the sad fact is that it isn't the big evil chains so much at fault
as it is us, that is the us that makes up the reading (or not reading)
public.  I don't think that we could say that if it wasn't for the big
chains the publishers wouldn't be having these huge returns that are
driving them to panic and look to whatever oracles they can find.

The same trend is happening in other fields--e.g., Blockbuster plays a big
role in what movies get made.  If any people should be unsurprised by such
a development it's readers of P.

At least P. got to choose his own damn dust cover for M&D; apparently most
now get chosen by committee.  BTW has anyone heard how M&D has done in
sales relative to expectations?

	Steve Maas

Peter Giordano wrote:
> Paul mentions the review of Denis Johnson's new book in today's NY TIMES -
> More interesting, in my opinion, was the story on the front page: "Book
> Chains' New Role : Soothsayers for Publishers" - It does not paint a pretty
> picture

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