Winey Winey Winey

Sojourner sojourner at
Tue Aug 12 12:29:00 CDT 1997

At 12:12 PM 8/12/97 EST, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:

>let me ask you foax a question?  Are you ever starved for reading 
>material, do you find there is just too much shit out there you wish to 
>read, are you sometimes flabbergasted by the amount of energy in 
>existence wasted on written warning and not enough on reading?

Yep.  I just moved (across my tiny town) to a comfortable little
house down by the river, and one of my chief pleasures in unpacking
my ungodly trove of collections is that soon I will have a wonderful
corner to get some READING done.  Also helps I kifed a pappazan(sp)
chair from two destitute college kids right before the move.

oh yeah, among my numerous possessions lugged with due agony is
a set of 40+ Conan (the Barbarian) paperbacks which I inherited in
the Radford/Fairlawn War of Attrition during the fall of 1995.  If anyone
has any interest in owning these, let me know.  I'm a little old for these
books but perhaps some kids out there?

Hmm... one other thing I'd like to mention.  A simply smashing article
defending the virtues of a small town librarian appears on the front
page of today's (Aug 12th) Wall Street Journal.

	"There's no escape from heaven,
	 no matter how hard you try."

	   --T. Halliday

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